Since my family’s finances aren’t very steady, we can’t buy any special foods for me, like poultry, eggs, or the like, and we also don’t have any equipment. I’d like to know if any of you have made any progress or have any advice on how to grow stronger. I’ve completed exercises in the past and have completed 40 pushups, so I should be up to speed in about two weeks. I would appreciate any advice you folks could provide me on routines, development, and pointers.
.In addition to being inexpensive, dry beans are a fantastic source of calories and protein. When combined with rice, they provide a complete protein.
By dry beans, what do you mean? What kind? I’m not sure why I’m asking.
It’s likely that you can. You may get a good exercise with calisthenics even if you have very little equipment.
Without any equipment, you will be able to enhance your triceps, shoulders, and chest. Muscle growth should be stimulated by progressing from standard pushups and pike pushups to extreme exercises like pseudo planche pushups and (assisted) handstand pushups. Or simply continuing to perform standard push-ups while packing a backpack full of bulky books.
Training your back will be more difficult, but it’s as crucial. Pullups and rows will require some ingenuity on your part.
Using tables for rows is the simplest thing I’ve seen. Personally, I found that using a firm broomstick on two chairs to create rows worked well.
I am 18 years old, 5’6" and weigh about 55 kg. My body mass index is somewhere around 20. I appreciate the advise, and I should go back to it.
Each muscle requires six sets to failure each week, 0.8g per pound of body weight, and 48 hours of recuperation.
hit me hard, although it was largely rice with green vegetables and all the grains and millet most of the time.