I’m a tall, thin guy in my late 20s. I may weigh ten pounds more than I should. I don’t have any equipment at home, and I don’t work out much.
I want to be healthy and happy overall. I don’t want to lose my ability to walk when I’m fifty. I want to maintain my slim figure because I enjoy it. Not musculoskeletal. Importantly, I have knee and back issues from injuries sustained as a teenager. Although I like low-impact activities, cycling in particular is off limits.
I can turn my spare bedroom into a space for working exercise. Additionally, I will receive this stipend annually, which will enable me to upgrade in the future.
About two years ago, I purchased these at the price I specified, and I really like them.However, you should browse about because this pair seems much too expensive. You may also acquire ones that are lighter—90-pound dumbbells are definitely more than you’ll need if you’re just starting out.
The best movie ���変式ダンベル 40kg 2個セット 合览 80kg コンパクト 簡単重ᇏउ��� ブロックダンベル アジャスヿブルダンベル 㜀小2.3kgから㜀大41kg 鉄アレイ 20kg 30kg 60kg 27㸵階調節 4.5kg刻み (2セット/41kg)
Which should I get, a pull-up frame or a Roman chair frame? Is a multipurpose bench with Bowflex adjustable dumbbells sufficient to work every portion of the body?
A fantastic low-intensity aerobic exercise is boxing. All you need is a water buoy (I suggest the A-3 size), some boxing gloves, and a means of raising it off the ground. I attached it to a chain and suspended it from my garage’s wooden rafters. Top value for money when it comes to low-intensity, high-fat burning cardio.