Pull-up bar at home

apartment I currently rent. The doors include greater molding and deeper, wider door frames. The main cause of the pull-up bars’ ineffectiveness is the depth of the molding. It’s not really an option for a tenant to screw a pull-up bar into the frame. Does anyone have aThe standard store-bought hanging door frame pull-up bars don’t suit the older ny suggestions or know of any goods that are better suited to door frames of various sizes?

I experienced the same problem. I ultimately placed an Amazon order for a standalone pull-up/dip station. It’s a game changer, but you’ll need a place to store it if you have the space and between $120 to $150. Additionally, you have more options: dip bars, wide grip, close grip, ab exercises, etc.

qid=1643124057&sprefix=body+champ%2Caps%2C92&sr=8-4 Amazon.com

This is the one I have. less expensive than I recall. However, it doesn’t feel cheap at all. For the past three years, I had been swinging about on that contraption every day. However, you must assemble it yourself. I recommend breathing techniques or a six-pack of good beer for that.