It is a arm exercises

I can’t fully extend my arm because of an accident I suffered when I was younger. I’m able to finish it to roughly 75%. According to my cardiologist, this is a permanent problem. I want to know if I may still get results from dumbbell exercises or anything else to strengthen my arm.

You only have a restricted range of motion for the same workouts. Verify if it’s safe for you.

Furthermore, any exercise is preferable to none at all. Dumbbells are a good option for exercising muscles individually, so if there is no chance of greater risk to yourself (since we don’t know the particular issue with your health), I would suggest utilizing them.

Additionally, performing the same repetitions and sets for each type of workout should still benefit you, regardless of whether your goal is to increase strength, endurance, or bulk.

Having said that, I would begin with light to medium weights to gauge your range and how your body responds to being underweight. Lifting weights is not as vital as being able to perform the exercise forms. Thus, begin slowly (10–15 pounds of weights) and increase