Exercise alternatives you can do when stuck in bed?

Finding myself regularly stuck in bed due to my medical conditions, RSI, and arthritis.

I’ve been trying some limited exercise, especially that I can do in bed with my conditions.

Also looking for alternatives and suggestions.

A few things I’ve heard about, not sure how effective:

Electronic muscle stimulation E-Stim, Massager as exercise.

Heard about using visualization techniques, mental exercise, and hypnosis to ‘trick’ your body into thinking it’s doing exercise.

If anyone has any YouTube channels they recommend that specialize in these sorts of alternatives.

Yes, I am already seeing a doctor and have treatments and take medicine for my conditions.

Look up loop resistance bands, they’re very light on joints compared to weights and are in fact used for rehab but as effective as weights. I use the Weller App for workouts.

Read up/watch videos for simple beginners Pilates - it was originally developed for people recovering in bed from war injuries. Good luck with your journey. <3

You can use resistance bands while lying in bed to perform various rehabilitation exercises.

Never heard of hypnosis therapy before. If it works, please share your experience.

Thanks for any help and suggestions.

Sorry to hear that, it’s not fun being there.

I just typed exercises in bed in YouTube and so many videos and rehab ones - I would start there. You can learn the suggested moves and do them when you like, but I am more motivated to follow a video to its conclusion and feel like I’ve accomplished something.


When you can, sit up in bed, maybe look at some chair or seated yoga videos.