Suggestions for a 15 Minute Home Workout?

25 push ups, 25 sit ups, 50 windmills, 50 jumping jacks.

Try the Nickels and Dimes workout by David Goggins. 10 push-ups and 5 pull ups every minute. On the minute until time is up.

1 set to failure of rows, pushups, and squats at whatever progression is appropriate for you. Keep the minimum reps above 5 and maximum below 30. Do this every day or every other day. Count your reps and push for progress.

Ask Chat GPT. It comes up with decent workout programmes.

I recommend getting a bodyweight fitness deck of cards, giving yourself a 15 minute time cap.

I have this deck, but the workouts can be a bit intense, and may last longer than 15 minutes: Combat Fitness Deck PUSHUP EDITION – RE Factor Tactical.

Check out MadFit on YouTube, the BEST home workouts about!

Check out B4 Flex on YouTube.

If you’re giving yourself 15 mins I would do something like this…

An 8 minute EMOM… choose two bigger exercises… squats one minute then, rows/pull ups or just some other opposite working exercise.

Take a min or two break and jump into a 3 or 4 minute Tabata style workout… keep the rests short, exercises on the lighter side… 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off… pick three exercises to cycle through… push ups, jumping jacks/skipping, sit ups, step ups on your stairs, etc…

I’m no expert - not even close - but I find these timed workouts help break up what muscles you are working on and get your conditioning up through the Tabata.

Good luck!

Thenx has several 12-15 minute workouts on YouTube. I use them and have gotten great results.