8 Things I Learned Training at Home

Favorite bodyweight YouTube vids?

Parker said:
Favorite bodyweight YouTube vids?

Check these: Calisthenicmovement, THENX, Jordan Yeoh Fitness.

#6 is pretty good advice.

I also like #8. One doesn’t lose all his gains in 2 weeks.

Absolutely on number 1. I actually use two machines, one is a Bowflex. Yeah, laugh it up. I figured out you can buy cheap exercise bands and rig them up to give you massive resistance. The only problem is you don’t know how much. You know how to add and remove and how to track it but not what the weight is. Most versatile bang for the buck on the market.

N.3 should be ‘CAN’T afford’.

What kind of exercises do you do? Push-ups, burpees? etc.

Hadi said:
What kind of exercises do you do? Push-ups, burpees? etc.

Squats, Raises, Curls, Push-ups, Rows, Pulls.

I strongly disagree with point 6 provided the individual does a slow lean bulk.

I’d like to see how many people who are against bulking nowadays have achieved an intermediate level of strength and have a good physique.

I think you read only the first phrase and not the whole point 6.

I agree with all of them, except point 4. That’s total bullshit. Something can be healthy and still have a lot of calories. So no, you can’t eat whatever you want as long as it’s healthy.

Jordan said:
I agree with all of them, except point 4. That’s total bullshit. Something can be healthy and still have a lot of calories. So no, you can’t eat whatever you want as long as it’s healthy.

I wasn’t talking about calorie counting. But about the kind of food you like to eat. I think everyone that exercises knows we should count calories and respect that limit.

Sorry, English is not my first language. I get what you’re saying.