I’m using a full rubber mat instead of interlocking tiles for my home gym on a carpeted floor, but I had to buy two mats due to their size. Should I use duct tape, utility staples, or rubber cement? It needs to be durable enough to withstand plyometric and HIIT workouts.
If you can make a hole in them, you could use black zip ties, which are fairly discreet. Just ensure the heads are on the underside of the mats so they don’t get in your way, and make sure they are cut flush.
You are really welcome!
I used contact cement to join my inexpensive padded flooring from Harbor Freight. That’s also what cosplayers use to assemble their costumes.
Are you doing any plyometric or cardio exercises on it?
I do some cardio on it and haven’t had any issues. I’m not sure if it’s the same material you’re using. The best approach is to check the material’s composition to ensure the adhesive will bond properly. The contact cement I used really fuses the material together effectively. Just make sure to read the instructions, as the process is different from regular glue.