What’s the correct way to do push-ups

My brother thinks your nose should hit the floor with each push-up, but I was told that a good push-up means your chest touches someone’s fist. Am I doing push-ups wrong?

EDIT: I mean regular push-ups here. I’m preparing for the APP.

Your chest should touch the ground. The nose varies based on neck and body size.

Bryn said:
Your chest should touch the ground. The nose varies based on neck and body size.

Exactly, your chest has to hit the floor.

What’s the APP? The focus should be training for your goal.

Kit said:
What’s the APP? The focus should be training for your goal.

I’m trying out for varsity tennis and need to pass a push-up test since I’m not in high school. I have to do 35 push-ups in a minute and I’m a bit nervous about it.

Good form means getting your chest close to the ground, but in tests, they usually don’t enforce strict rules. Doing 35 perfect push-ups in a minute is tough, but doing them with a bit of slack is easier. It really depends on who’s judging.

The coach is nice, and it says the push-ups just need to be at a right angle so I’m uncertain, because I can manage about 20 good ones before my last five are questionable.

I can do around 20 good ones and then the last five are… well, you know. The coach is understanding though.

Storm said:
I can do around 20 good ones and then the last five are… well, you know. The coach is understanding though.

If you’re good enough at tennis, I doubt they’ll hold a few tricky push-ups against you.

The tricky part is the test happens before tryouts, so they won’t see my full potential.

Storm said:
The tricky part is the test happens before tryouts, so they won’t see my full potential.

Oh, I thought you already knew the team or coach.

The coach’s opinion is the only one that matters. Ask them to watch your push-ups. They’d appreciate your effort and give you useful feedback.

Don’t stress too much. Even someone out of shape can do 35 once. Just aim for one push-up every second or so; you should be fine. Fast push-ups can be done in under a second.

Ari said:
Don’t stress too much. Even someone out of shape can do 35 once. Just aim for one push-up every second or so; you should be fine. Fast push-ups can be done in under a second.

It’s definitely tough for someone unfit to do 35 push-ups in a minute.


I disagree. Many out-of-shape people struggle to even reach 15 and often rely on knee push-ups. Achieving 35 push-ups isn’t easy unless you exercise regularly.

Ari said:
Don’t stress too much. Even someone out of shape can do 35 once. Just aim for one push-up every second or so; you should be fine. Fast push-ups can be done in under a second.

LOL, many out-of-shape people can barely manage push-ups.

Ari said:
Don’t stress too much. Even someone out of shape can do 35 once. Just aim for one push-up every second or so; you should be fine. Fast push-ups can be done in under a second.

I think my nerves are affecting me because I’m only hitting 26-30 right now, but I still have about a month left and I’m training hard.

You should be able to boost your count in a month! Schools usually are lenient on push-up form, but coaches still consider it. Push-ups aren’t the best measure for tennis skills, so this is likely just to weed out those who are very out of shape before focus on drills.

Yeah, I get it. I just don’t want to hit a wall in the middle of the test!