I know I’m supposed to take my progress pics in the same outfit and I do, but this one is just a mid-week snapshot. My official weekly photo is on Tuesdays, and I took this today before going to the gym for fun. It’s only been a couple weeks, so realistically, it’s probably not major progress. I did lose 3 lbs though, which helps with fat loss, and I’m sure the creatine plays a part in that too.
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It’s all about the top and how the pink pants fit at the waist.
Jael said:
It’s all about the top and how the pink pants fit at the waist.
I thought so too lol! The angle is better since it’s further away, and I’ve been using a little self-tanner. I also think I see a bit more definition in my arms. I just took the photo for fun because I really like the outfit.
I suggest wearing the same outfit for all your progress pictures. You won’t worry about whether it looks flattering if it’s always the same.
Thorne said:
I suggest wearing the same outfit for all your progress pictures. You won’t worry about whether it looks flattering if it’s always the same.
Definitely! I do have a specific outfit I use (the one on the right) but I just snapped this random photo today.
Make sure to wear the same outfit in your progress photos.
Creatine will just be starting to kick in now since it takes about two weeks to saturate. Don’t stress about any weight loss for the first two weeks as that will mostly be water weight or muscle swelling.
Going forward, take lots of measurements if you haven’t already. Measure your neck, shoulders, chest, waist, hips, thighs, calves, biceps, and forearms. Three months from now, you might weigh the same and feel like you’re not seeing progress with pictures, but if you have lifted weights that are 100 pounds more, and your waist is down an inch while your thighs have gained half an inch, that shows you’re losing fat and gaining muscle. Focus less on the scale and more on measurements and how much you’re lifting.
Are the inbody scans not reliable? I do those weekly, and I feel like my fat percentage is going up while I lose weight. I’m going to start measuring again. I stopped doing it six months ago because I felt burned out, but I know I need to start again.
I’d suggest measuring once a month. I keep a spreadsheet with all my numbers on the first of each month.
Inbody scans are fine, but they’re also somewhat inaccurate. The only sure way to get your body fat percentage is through MRI. My bathroom scale has an electrical impedance measurement for body fat, and it’s probably off by 5%. But if I measure at the same time each week, it will be consistently off by about the same amount. What matters is whether the measurements are better than they were three months ago. If you aim for a 2% drop in body fat monthly and you lose 5%, but your waist measurements go down a lot, yet you feel tired and have lost your sex drive, then maybe consider adding back some fats and calories. Those other metrics are more important.
For sure. I don’t mind if I gain a little weight or some body fat as long as I’m building muscle at this point. My main goal is to get strong rather than being super lean or aiming for some ‘perfect’ body shape. I know I’m getting stronger and I’m making progress with the weights. I’ve been lifting for years, but I’ve been on and off about tracking my progress and paying attention to my diet. I’m also hoping creatine will help. I had a baby 15 months ago, so I’m just getting back into my routine. I measured today for the first time in ages, and I think checking once a month will feel more manageable.
Why compare two weeks of progress? Differences are minimal. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Keep up the hard work and check back in two months.
You can see some progress in your abs, or maybe you’ve just flexed those muscles a bit.
Linden said:
You can see some progress in your abs, or maybe you’ve just flexed those muscles a bit.
I’m not flexing in either photo (probably more obvious in the right one ), but the pants suggest that illusion because of the waist. I’ve been focusing on my arms and shoulders, so I’m hoping to tone those areas more in the future.
Honestly, it can take some time. I’ve been checking my own progress at the gym for four weeks now, and I’m not seeing much to show for it.
It’s only been two weeks since the photos were taken.
Try not to compare before and afters until it’s been two months. You’ll drive yourself crazy.
Stick to your plan.
If you weigh yourself, try to keep it to once a week!
Thanks so much! I’ve been following the plan for about two months, but these photos are just two weeks apart. I’m tracking my progress every week, but it’s a good idea to hold off on checking until a few months go by. I’ve been weighing myself every morning and doing the inbody scan at the gym weekly, but I’ll cut out the morning weigh-ins. I’m going to start measuring once a month too, as weight isn’t the best indicator for me. I usually weigh around 100-105, but my body composition can look so different.
Definitely be aware of any negative behaviors, but I disagree with the once-a-week weigh-ins. Weighing daily helped me get over feelings related to bloat and made me more comfortable with those natural ups and downs. If I only weighed in weekly, it could have hurt my motivation.
When you lose weight in a healthy manner, it’s generally about 0.25 pounds a day.
Some days, weight can change due to things like how much water you drank.
If you monitor yourself over time, remember that fluctuations can happen easily, like gaining 2 pounds in a day.
In my opinion, you look a bit thinner and with less body fat in the left photo.