Inverted Rows or something similar without any tools?

As a rider, I haven’t given my upper body much thought since high school thirty years ago. Since I started performing pushups, I’ve read that in order to balance things out, I should perform “inverted rows.”

Which methods may I use to do this? I’m trying to avoid mounting anything or purchasing equipment because my house is full of kids roaming around. I thought I’d ask here if there was an alternative that would match it without equipment, even though it might come to that.

I just want to make use of the free time I have as I wait for the kids to get ready for bed and other things. I’m not attempting to start a big program. I appreciate any assistance.

You have an inverted row bat if you get two chairs and run a robust broom stock across them. Alternatively, make rows on a strong table if you have one.

pull-up is preceded by the inverted row. The bodyweight progressions that The lead to the pull-up, which use doors, posts, tables, and trees, are covered in detail in Mark Lehman’s bodyweight books and website.

Or simply purchase a resistance band. Pull on one end while stepping on the other.

Inverted rows are merely one variation of the large family of pulling exercises known as rows, and I don’t see why you should perform them exclusively over other row-type exercises. Another name for them is bodyweight rows.

A doorframe row is the pull workout that actually requires no equipment: @KH1qPoZ4Klw YouTube

With a sturdy table, you can achieve inverted rows (but be careful!). @OYUxXMGVuuU YouTube?

Resistance bands are the incredibly inexpensive equipment version. Yesterday, I uploaded a series of YouTube workouts using “mini loop” style bands, many of which incorporate pulling exercises in one form or another. ucfsw5/this_program_will_show_you_how_to_exercise_with/ - You can do a lot with different types of resistance bands as well.