I’m working on building muscle at home without bulking up. I’ve just finished a cutting phase and am focusing on maintaining the muscle mass I had. I’m not tracking calories or nutrients meticulously; instead, I’m using common sense with my diet, ensuring I get enough protein (at least 1g/kg of body weight) and staying hydrated. I’m relatively new to working out and weight lifting, so any feedback would be helpful. My goal isn’t to get huge—just to develop bigger and more defined muscles and get lean.
Currently, I’m following a push/pull/legs routine, which I’ve started implementing. My plan is to do pull workouts on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; push workouts on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays; and legs on Sundays only. I’m focusing less on legs right now since I have strong legs from previous track & field experience. For pull workouts, I include triceps, chest, and shoulders, while push workouts target biceps and back, with added abs and forearms. Additionally, I do 4 sets of 15 push-ups daily, spread throughout the day. Excluding the push-ups, I aim for about 10-15 sets per muscle group per week. Since I don’t have dumbbells or standard weights, I use filled backpacks as substitutes and rely on bodyweight exercises.