How many burpees should a healthy person be able to do

I’m recovering from a chronic illness and just got back into exercise. The thing is, I have no idea what a healthy person can actually do. Just being able to exercise feels like a big win for me.

I can run on a treadmill fine, but burpees are really tough for me. I’m doing 2 sets of 10 (going down on straight arms without a push-up, then jumping with my arms up) but it’s exhausting. I get out of breath and it’s really hard.

So, how many burpees can a normal person do? Are they hard for everyone?

Yes, they are tough for everyone.

I’m pretty active with CrossFit 3-4 times a week and I run about 15 miles weekly, but burpees always leave me breathless. I’ve never met anyone who does burpees just for fun.

Don’t worry, burpees are tough for everyone.

I can’t stand them either, but I still do over 150 when they’re part of my circuit workouts.

Aris said:
I can’t stand them either, but I still do over 150 when they’re part of my circuit workouts.

150 what??? Burpees???! The only 150 I see is my heart rate by the third burpee.

That’s at least 10 rounds of 15 or 15 rounds of 10 (or something close). This didn’t happen overnight; I’ve been doing it six days a week for a few months.

Aris said:
That’s at least 10 rounds of 15 or 15 rounds of 10 (or something close). This didn’t happen overnight; I’ve been doing it six days a week for a few months.

That is truly amazing.

I do my own version of burpees for fun every day.

I guess I do it for fun too but I’m probably a masochist.

Do you run on your CrossFit days? Or do you go every other day?

Gale said:
Do you run on your CrossFit days? Or do you go every other day?

It depends. Sometimes I double up!

I’ve been a distance runner for years but have overlooked strength training. I started CrossFit about 8 months ago.

20 burpees exhausts me, LOL.

Payton said:
20 burpees exhausts me, LOL.

I’m glad I’m not the only one. How do you handle cardio in general?

Average is a pretty wide term.

They are definitely tough.

Ugh, burpees really suck.

Nyx said:

That’s exactly the answer I was looking for.

Sage said:

Nyx said:

That’s exactly the answer I was looking for.

LOL. I’m in reasonable shape; I can deadlift 370 and bench press 250 lbs. I can hike, walk, and handle light cardio for a decent period, but I haven’t done a burpee since grade school. You really don’t need to do them.

How many do you think you can do before feeling like you might die? I’d say the average person can manage about 4.

Marley said:
How many do you think you can do before feeling like you might die? I’d say the average person can manage about 4.

These replies make me realize I might undervalue myself.

If we’re talking about someone in shape, I can usually get to 10-15 for three sets, depending on the day. They are meant to be tough; that’s why everyone struggles with them.