Hey everyone! I’m a beginner who just started a dumbbell workout routine at home two weeks ago. I’m looking for alternatives to pull-ups to train my back using the adjustable dumbbells I have. While I know that dumbbell rows are effective, I want to explore different exercises to keep my workouts interesting.
Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!
I’m in the same boat! I’ve found success with variations of rows like single-arm rows, different grip positions (supine/neutral/prone), and renegade rows. Superman exercises are also excellent for targeting the overall posterior chain.
Honestly, I’m struggling to think of dumbbell exercises for your back that aren’t rows. The only ones I can come up with are bent over delt raises, which are actually kind of similar to rows. You could also try unilateral dumbbell carries—they’re not just for the back, but they work well.
Remember that the pull-up motion is basically a rowing movement, but you’re pulling down against gravity. It can be tricky to target your lats solely with dumbbell exercises. If you can, find a tree branch or install a pull-up bar in your garage. The back comprises a lot of muscles, so continue with a variety of rowing exercises and try to engage your lats, too.